in·vest·ment ( ïn-v ést'm ént) n. Property or another possession acquired for future financial return or benefit.

If you feel the financial services industry has left the above definition in tatters, then think again. If you want a fresh, yet intelligent and reliable approach to investments, look no further.

Arnold successfully advises and arranges investments for private clients, trustees, businesses, pension funds and charities.

With customer care a cornerstone of his offering to clients, Arnold carefully measures the attitude to risk of his clients using Openwork’s risk assessment profiler, to accurately gauge an investor’s appetite for risk and volatility - or lack thereof. Regular reviews ensure any investments are performing as they should and appropriately diversified as markets change over time. This also provides the opportunity to confirm or reassess investment objectives and performance.

Tax considerations are an integral part of the investment process, and investment structures are set up with this in mind. This is not just limited to ISA's, nor is it limited to when the investment is set up. Arnold believes it's just as important to consider the tax situation before any disposal or exit from a trust or investment is executed, and is therefore on hand to advise clients on tax efficient strategies on disposal of an investment – something that can all too easily be overlooked.

Some of the investment vehicles we advise on are: